“Her take on the doomed Jewish diarist’s story is unique: A present day girl reading Frank’s diary finds herself traveling back in time to the annex where Anne and her group hid.”
Camille Lefebvre
The Secret Annex Star Tribune reviewer
“In one striking scene, Victoria shines a flashlight on each character as she wanders across the darkened stage. That is, Conlin implies all we can do at this distance and what we must do. We can’t help Anne Frank, but we can look at her life. And we can look together, through Conlin’s narrative dance.”
Lightsey Darst
The Secret Annex - online reviewer
“Lisa Conlin has been busy creating her own work to growing acclaim. Her 2005 Fringe Fest entry, “Stripped”, for instance, was a beautifully made work that explored various phobias with innovatively fractured blend of ballet, jazz, and modern dance.”
Camille Lefevre
Star Tribune reviewer
“Brilliant, Fascinating, Lively, and Pure.”
Kennedy Dose
Blue Heaven Audience Reviewer
“The show Blue Heaven is an inspiring and thought-provoking show conceptualizing the many stages of healing through the loss of a loved one. It’s a message of hope that our loved ones are always looking over us, as we continue on our journey. These messages or signs from heaven comfort us and remind us that we are loved always, and we carry them in our hearts, until we meet again.”
Carol MEyer
Minneapolis Artist and Dance Educator, Blue Heaven Audience reviewer
“I have had the pleasure of enjoying Lisa’s work on multiple occasions and she will always take you on a journey and tell you a story with the choreography in a way that leaves you moved whether it is joy and lightness or heavy with sadness. One of my favorites is “Rebecca’s Song”. The story grips you and pulls you in emotionally when the youthful dancer on stage haltingly starts her journey of confusion and forgetfulness and weaves those stages thru the accounts of personal struggles of the other dancers. It is dialogued and danced seamlessly. I have seen the same number revisited two other times and although the foundation is the same, it is different each time as the dance changes to reflect the personalities and individual struggles of the different dancers who I have seen perform this piece. Lisa’s vision and desire to constantly reach new places with her artistry are wonderful to witness.”
Dr. Lizzie Bauer
Rebecca’s Song Audience reviewer
“Lisa Conlin’s work as a dancer, choreographer, & artistic director are much more than visual experiences…they touch your heart and your soul! One of my favorite pieces from Lisa is her dance work Stripped. It literally took me on an emotional journey…I was laughing, I was crying, I had goosebumps! It was truly amazing and something every person in the audience could connect with and relate to!”
Erin Arends
Co-owner of MOVE BOUTIQUE DANCE SHOp,Stripped Audience Reviewer
“If it were not for Lisa, many dancers-myself included-would likely not have the opportunity to dance professionally in South Dakota. She is a gift to both artists and audiences. An investment in Lisa is an investment in the future of South Dakota dancers.“
Madeleine Titze
Principal dancer LiRa Dance Theatre Company
“Sanford Health has been a sponsor partner in supporting several of Lisa’s programs and efforts over the past few years. She is a tireless worker who takes it upon herself to make a difference and we are very fortunate to have someone like Lisa in our Sioux Falls community.“
Mike Begeman
Vice President of Community Relations Sanford Health
“Lisa Conlin's thought provoking, incredibly genius choreography is one not to be missed. Every movement has a meaning behind it; whether you see her work once or five times, there is always some thing new that you might not have caught before. Lisa has a genius way of creating movement that is perfect for each character in her choreography. You won’t want to miss this beautiful artist's creative process.”
Raena Rasmussen
Owner of Balleraena Dance Studio
“Lisa has long been recognized as one of the leading talents in dance and choreography throughout the Sioux Falls region (and beyond). She has an incredible gift of story-telling as a choreographer and these stories have served as the highlights of the dance performances offered to local audiences. Above all, Lisa is dedicated to collaboration. She seeks to make dance accessible and available to our community and lifts up other creative organizations in the process. She’s partnered with local theatre organizations DAPA and The Good Night Theater Collective and her choreography work has contributed to the quality of these performances as well. She frequently features other aspiring choreographers in her shows, creating a platform for others to grow in their crafts. She contributes her time and talents to local nonprofits, including NAMI’s annual “Dancing with the Sioux Falls Stars” and The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation’s Breath of Life Gala. She is a champion for developing the creative community in Sioux Falls.”
Maren Engel
Professional Singer and Actress
“I have come to know Lisa as a strong artist, a passionate and talented leader and a role model for her students, fellow choreographers, and other in the artistic network of Sioux Falls and beyond. She possesses the very defining characteristic of the words ‘creative’ and ‘perseverance’ and carries out every task through the lens of growth opportunity and further enlightenment. Her connection and ability to build impactful and lasting relationships shines through.”
Bob Wendland
Manager of Performances and Events at Washington Pavilion
“Lisa Conlin’s artistic and creative brilliance, attention to detail, ability to move, mesmerize and entertain all ages in the audience, and eloquently story tell through the medium of dance as a choreographer is simply unparalleled. I have had the honor and privilege of watching many of Lisa’s exquisite choreography displays set on individuals, groups, companies and entire casts. Regardless of the particular piece, she uses immense intentional thought, impeccable detail both in casting, highlighting the strengths of the dancer(s) and in being able to portray and relay the depth of meaning and message she is using through her talented choreography. There are those who dance. There are those who choreograph. There are those who teach dance and teach choreography. Then, there are a small few, who have been gifted with the perfect storm of distinct vision, incredible talent, a truth that needs to be spoken and an incessant energy, passion and medium by which they allow this voice to speak it. Lisa is one of the small few. She has the distinct honor and gift of being in the latter group. As if this wasn’t evidence enough of her undeniable abilities, where her light shines the brightest is in her desire to share her love for dance WITH others and FOR others. It’s just an innate part of her being and what makes her heart happiest, her soul feel alive, her mind at its pinnacle and her desire to share what God has given her as her talent to share with the world. Lisa isn’t JUST a dancer or a choreographer. She is a master sculptor. She takes a ball of clay, and molds, sculpts, develops, rearranges, smooths, add details, and looks at every angle until a perfect masterpiece is ready to be held in its best light. We are all given time, talent and treasure in this lifetime here on earth. What we do with those things varies from person to person. Lisa is leaving a legacy. Her passion for dance will never die because she is using her life as a means to inspire, give and allow others to shine with the same light that is within her as she shares the flame that is alive inside.”